
Sunday, June 6, 2010

farmers market

I went to the farmers market recently. It was really great. I have gone many other times before this. I have not gone so close to the end of the school year before. They had so many cherries, strawberries and tomatoes. It was amazing! There was so much there. They also had meat, cheese and herbs and lettuces. There was so many products and fresh foods. It was really great. I think the Athens farmers market it pretty amazing. I have been to a few different ones in Cleveland, Dayton and some other places. Considering the size of Athens, the farmers market is pretty big. There is so much to choose from and one of my favorite farmers markets.

I would recommend so many people to go, especially clients. The food has great prices and is so fresh. It is also very decently priced. I think more people should shop locally. It is a great thing to do and it is often hard to beat the price. I just like to make people more aware of farmer's markets because they are a great thing. I try to shop at them as much as possible and also shop at grocery stores that buy local food as well.

I also got food there for our brunch for finals. I decided to make a tomato, basil and mozzarella salad. I got all of the ingredients at the farmers market. I got to different kinds of tomatoes to make it look even better. I am looking forward to making it and eating it. It will also be great to see what every one else is making!

class projects

On Tuesday, we went to the gardens so everyone could do their projects. I really enjoyed hearing about every ones projects and their garden intervention. Everyone did a great job and really thought about what there population needed. The class did a wide variety of age groups. The class planted a pretty good variety of plants and everyone garden looked really nice. A couple gardens had some big plants like broccoli and soy beans. The class did a great job. The interventions were really well thought out and well planned. The interventions were highly geared toward the population. I think the garden intervention is a great one. It really gets people involved with what they are eating. When people get involved with what they are eating they are more likely to eat it and like it. They may even teach others about it.

I think this was a great project. We learned alot about gardening and exactly what it takes. For alot of us it was the first time we ever gardened. I had always seen other people like my mom garden, but i had never done it myself. it was a really great experience. It even inspired me to garden at home in Dayton. We planted some more plants there like peppers and more tomatoes. We are also looking to plant some other items because we have so much room. I think the class next year will learn just as much as we did if not more. It was a great way to learn about gardening and how to do it.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

class project

Thursday we met in the class room and worked on our project.  It is coming along really well.  We already have our kolrabi handout finished.  We have some research done and some other information finished.  It was good getting together.  We divided up the work and figured out when to meet to put the finishing touches on our project.  I think our project will turn out really great.  We divided up the work evenly between the group.  We are going to meet again on Monday and just put the finishing touches and make sure everything is done correctly.  I think our garden came out really well and it is somewhat unique with the edible flowers and kolrabi. Our group works really well together.  I am going to do the other nutrition handout and the other information that relates to it.  We are all doing parts of the power points that related to our part of  the project.  I think our project is going to turn out really well.  I really enjoyed this project and am looking forward to presenting it on tuesday!  I think our group is doing a good job!

Holzters dairy farm

I really enjoyed going to the dairy farm.  I have never been to a dairy farm before or any farm for that matter.  I was surprised to find out how much technology went into farming.  I had no idea that they had all of the monitoring to see how much milk was being produced and how much they were being fed.  It was also interesting, to see all the equipment they had.  I had no idea they needed that much.  It was very organized and definitely takes a lot of work to run a farm.  It was also interesting to hear the nutrition side of farming.  I did not know that each cow had a different diet that they were put on to optimize milk production and keep them from getting fat.  I was surprised that they had two dietitians on staff that figured out their feed formula.  It was also very interesting how strict the inspectors were that came to the farm.  I did not know the regulations were so tight.  I do not think I would really like doing animal nutrition.  I think it might get to repetitive and boring for me.  It was good to see that nutrition was very important to the farmers and for their cows.  I learned a lot about the dairy farm that I never knew before.  The technology surprised me the most.  I did not think there would be so much computers involved and so much tracking of the animals. I had no idea that they tracked each and every animal that came in.  They tracked them in every way possible which was surprising.  

I think dietitians should go to all types of food plants and farms to see how food is really made.  I think it is important for us to know where our food comes from.  It also would allow us to see what is locally made and how it is made.  This way if people ever asked we would know or at least we could refer them to somebody who would.  We would also be supporting sustainability and the local economy if we could go to all the local farms and food producers in the area.  It would have a huge impact on our practice and maybe allow to practice better and help our clients more.  

I think going to a place that like this allows people to see exactly what it takes to produce that food.  You see how much work and money goes into producing a food like that.  I do not think most people realize what it takes to produce the food and how much time and how many people. This was just a small farm, I can't imagine what a big farm would entail.  There is just so much that is involved with farming and making sure everything is safe. 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

meeting with DH

Today we met with Dr.Holben to go over our projects. From the meeting I think our project is going pretty well. We are doing our project on pregnant adult women. I think our garden is meeting all the needs that we can do in our garden. Our garden is big on vitamins and minerals such as folate, iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, and calcium. We are planting a wide variety of vegetables and even some edible flowers. We wanted to do something a little different. It would be good for people to try new things. Our garden should meet the needs of our target population. We are going to do our information sheet probably on kohlrabi because no one else will have that in their garden. From our meeting it sounded like on garden is on the right track. I think we are focusing on the right minerals and vitamins for our population. Many of them are involved with reproduction of cells which is very important in early pregnancy. I am looking forward to working on our project next week and putting it together. I think our group is working well together. We all get along and we all work hard. I think our project is going to turn out really well along with our garden. This project is great and I will definitely take all the things I have learned from it and use it in the future. It is a wonderful thing that we are learning how to garden and that is something that we can use forever and pass on to others. I think this project has taught me so much already.

Arts West tree planting

Today we went again to plant trees. We planted many different kinds of trees at Arts West. We planted peach, gooseberry and current trees and bushes. As a class we probably planted 6 or so fruit trees or bushes. It went by much faster this time because we all knew what we were doing from the last time. I think this is a really great project to help people get their intake of fruit. I look forward to coming back next year and seeing how much they have grown. I hope this project really helps people increase their fruit intake. With the wide variety of fruits we are planting I think that there will be something for everyone. I hope everyone kept their map from the newspaper so they know where all of the trees are. I enjoyed planting the peach tree. Ashley and I dug the hole for the tree pretty fast and were ready to go. I feel like I definitely know how to plant a tree and protect it with the fence type stuff around it. I hope to use this in the future and plant some trees when I have a bigger yard. It was good to help with this process and hopefully help the city of Athens be a little healthier.

I think that our garden is coming along pretty well. Most of our plants are planted. But next week it is going to be hot so we have to make sure to water it a lot so our plants don't die. We are planting peppers, nasturtiums, kohlrabi,broccoli, spinach. I think that is everything. I hope our plants grow really well and we produce a lot. I think this is a great project. I plant on taking a picture next week to show the what our garden looks like. It will be interesting to see our plants once they start producing vegetables. I think next week will be out working on our garden and project frequently.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dairy Counsel

Mike Sieminski RD, LD from the American Dairy Association who is a Nutrition Communications Coordinator came to speak to us about the Dairy Association.This is funded by 15 cents for 100 pounds of milk sold. The planning for the ideas come from the group of 12 or so people that work in the office. Basically one person brings it up and they discuss if they think it is a good idea and how to accomplish this idea. They have many programs such as refuel with chocolate milk, and three a day. The American Dairy Association goal is to improve the nutrition that is in the community and provide education, science backed nutrition information and try to improve the nutrition of the entire society. It is really hard to monitor and evaluate programs because there are so many people that process milk and milk products. They do try to look at milk sales and other dairy product sales to see if the programs are working. Overall, it is still a hard to feat to accomplish.

I thought it was really interesting what Mike did. I was surprised and how much communication was involved with his job. I can see how having his background in communication really work to his advantage as a dietitian. He does alot of tv spots and interviews for all sorts of reporters. It would be really hard to do that everyday and be on all the television shows. You really need to be careful about what you say to make sure their is scientific evidence behind it. I do not really think that I would doing his job. I do not like being in the spotlight. I much rather work behind the scenes. I don't think I would comfortable doing all those interviews with all those reporters. It was really nice him giving us all the tips for communication. I will definitely keep those in mind and they will be really great to use in the future. It was great to know that there are such a wide variety of nutrition related jobs out there. It is great that they design all those programs to increase the consumption of milk. I will definitely look to them for the latest projects and other events that are going on. I will also use their education materials.

Wic Program

Julie Gladmay a lactation consultant from the Athens county WIC program came to talk to our class today about the WIC program. WIC is created for women, infant and children to supplement nutrition. It was interesting hearing about the program from Julie. The program is funded by the state and federal.The benefits of WIC include items such as referrals when necessary, supplemented high density nutritious food, health education, health screening and classes. The ideas for programs and other things in WIC come from other states sometimes or higher up. It can also come from within the Athens branch. This program is a very good supplemental nutrition program. The food is very limited to nutritionally dense items. Most of the items they are allowed to buy are fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. The items have to meet very strict nutritional regulation in order to be allowed on the WIC program. I think this is great and highly benefits the people that are involved with this program. It allows them to buy nutritious food that they need. The program is monitored by the state and at the Federal level. The programs that usually successful somewhere else then they are used in other states. The program is evaluated by how many people are using the program and if the number of people breastfeeding is increasing. This lets them know that people are utilizing the program and probably being educated on this. This is a great program and it was really interesting learning about how they help moms who are pregnant or have had the babies.

I think it would be really interesting working at WIC. It would be wonderful experience getting to help all the mothers with their children. It would be great to help out with any nutritional deficiencies and encourage breastfeeding because it is so healthy for the baby. I think I would really enjoy working at a WIC program. You could really help many people at a WIC and give a lot of great nutrition education and interventions.I think that is great that there is a program like this to help pregnant and lactating women get the nutrition they need for both the baby. I think alot of people should utilize this. It could really help so many people out. I will remember to refer people to this, who I think it would help. It gives people many great opportunities to get the nutrition they need. I will always keep this in the back of my mind while I practice as registered dietitian.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

tree planting

On Thursday, our group went to the south side garden to plant a fruit tree. We planted a mulberry tree over near the golf course. It was really nice planting the tree and I was surprised that it did not really take that long. We were able to plant the tree due to a grant and project that someone for their masters. We made sure to place a fencing around the mulberry tree so other animals would not eat it. It was a good experience and I am I know a good way to plant a tree in the future. It was really fun planting the trees in our group and it better than sitting and listenng to a lecture. I am looking foward to the other out door activities that will be doing in community nutrition.

I am gardening in Dayton. Last weekend, I planted lettuce, squash, peppers,basil, cilantro, flat leaf parsley, cherry tomatoes, and beefsteak tomatoes. I was not sure what I was doing but I enjoyed planting the seeds. It was really relaxing to me and it will be cool to see them grow during the summer. In Dayton, we are going to have an herb garden, vegetable garden and butterfly garden. They will be pretty small but I think it will be a good start. The lettuce has already started growing which is exciting. There is six plants and in a few weeks we will be transplanting them. Something else has also started growing but I am not sure what it is. My next trip to dayton, I plan on taking pictures of the garden, so I can see pictures of it as it grows. I am also excited about the butterfly garden. It is going to have Zinnas,dillweed and a few other flowers. It should be very colorful and hopefully many butterflys will come and enjoy it.

hiedi anderson

On Tuesday, Heidi Anderson came down to talk to our class. She is a registered dietitian that works at wellworkds. She recieved her masters in dietitics as well as public health. She is still an RD but does not use her nutrition knowledge very much any more because she is coordinating programs. She coordinates such programs as walk for a cause and the pumpkin fest. She used to think that she was always going to work in child nutrition and food insecurity with children. But after getting her masters in public health she discovered a different route. She randomly came across the job at wellworks after moving back for a guy. She had previous experience working from the public health aspect and found out that she really liked it. She now works at well works and coordinates many programs for community health and wellness. She really enjoys coordinating these wellness programs for wellworks. She plans the programs but they also get ideas from the people in the community. They will do surveys to see what kind of programs the poeple want to do and would participate in. They also evaluate the programs by sometimes doing pre and post surveys or just a general survey to see what the people enjoyed or learned from the program. The funding comes from Ohio University and fees that people pay to use wellworks. This allows them to do these progams. She really enjoys doing what she does now and is glad that she did not end up where she planned. She highly recommended having a open mind about what you will end up doing because it can work out really well like it did for her.

Our group went to the garden on thursday. We finished weeding the entire thing and then we tilled the soil. I am glad that we finished it because now we can focus on what we are planting. This weekend Kendall and Kayla are going to the farmers market to get broccoli, spinach and kolrabi. They might get something else too. Then on saturday they should also get planted so we will actually have something in the garden finally. The weekend after that we will get the rest of the plants and plant them so we avoid the frost. I am excited to see our plants grow and see the food that will come out of the garden!

Monday, May 3, 2010

poverty simulation

I went to a poverty simulation and it really changed my view of what it was like to be in poverty. We each were assigned a new identity which we had to be for the rest of the time during the simulation. My identity was a 25 year old male with a girlfriend and 1 year old child. We were homeless and I had a job.The time I did make it to my job, I was not treated with any respect and they paid me hardly anything. It was hard and frustrating to get through each week. We had transportation passes that represented the time it took to get where ever we needed to go. We then had 15 minutes to represent each week. We did not have enough transportation passes for me to go to work, so we had to get enough money to do that. It was really difficult and frustrating. By the time I got the transportation passes, I had lost my job because I missed to many weeks. It was really frustrating to try to get out of being homeless. I couldn't even do simple things such as cash checks to get housing and pay for things I needed such as food and other necessities. The mortgage person yelled at me for wasting her time and coming back to much. The banker was also very rude and made me frustrated. I had never had such a hard time trying to simple things. It made me realize how much it helps to have items like transportation and a checking account. I was running around like crazy trying to get things done, but no matter what I did I did not have time to figure out a thing. Even people who were supposed to help us did not.They would say they would help us but then not give us anything just because they felt like it. They would sometimes, but most of the time they were not very nice either. It was also difficult not knowing exactly what everyone offered to get he proper help. If I would have known certain things it would have been much easier and maybe I would have moved out of being homeless.

It was an excellent simulation that I will use in the future when I am working as a dietitian. It gives you a complete different perspective on poverty and what it is like for someone who is going through that. When I am in an internship or practice, I will not be frustrated when someone is 10 minutes late.I will not make a deal about them being late and act rude to them just because of that. I will understand that it may of taken them all day to get there or just been really hard for them. I will also understand that people don't always have access to the food they need. It also may not be a priority for them to have proper nutrition because they are just trying to get through every day. I will be more aware of programs that can help people get the proper nutrition that they need. This way they need money to get the proper access to food. They can get better nutrition and improve their quality of life. It definitely made me realize how hard it is for some people and that I am lucky to have the experiences and chances that I have.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bryant Terry -- Creating an Urban Organic Kitchen

Bryant Terry

I really enjoyed Bryant Terry coming in to discuss with our class. I thought his prospective on food was very interesting. I agree with the fact that dietitians need to get people more involved with their food in order to help them get what they need. I think having them make their food or grow it really gets them involved or excited about it and much more willing try it. When you put work into something, you are much more likely to like it and being willing to try it. I think at Ohio University in our program, we need to learn about what we cook and how to cook. We only take a few classes and most of the people hate it. I think it is essential to counseling or helping someone. I don't know how we can get people to eat something if they do not know how to cook it. If we can't help them with that it will be much harder. I think as dietitians we need to get much more involved in the kitchen and be hands on with our clients. I would eventually like to start a program where dietitans help someone cook according to their disease. I think giving someone cooking lessons can help them in multiple ways. This way they can know more about what they are eating and adjust something according to their likes. I also think going grocery shopping with someone and answering their questions really helps. It wouldn't take long before they did not need any help and then they could even teach other people.

I went to see Bryant Terry speak at OU that night. He told the story about he became a chef and a vegan. It was interesting to see how the people in his life influenced him. He talked about growing up and walking around his grandfathers and grandmothers garden. This made it normal for him to be eating fresh fruits and vegetables all the time. There was no grass in their garden at all. He always knew when his grandma was cooking because she would be singing in the kitchen. They canned everything that was left over from the garden. So he grew up loving vegetables and cooking. Then he heard a song about how beef was processed as a sophomore. This song changed his world and therefore he became a vegan. Then when he went to culinary school he realized how hard it was in certain communities to get the food they needed because they have only convenient stores and liquor stores instead of grocery stores and farmers market. So him and a few of his chef friends created a program to change this. They take trips to the grocery store and teach the people in the community to cook and speak out about what they want at the stores. That is how he got where is he is today. His talk was really inspiring to hear about he created the job he has now and how the programs helping one person has help multiple people and had a ripple effect.

Then he did a cooking demonstration and we got to eat it. It was really good. He made collard greens with raisins and garlic. I really enjoyed it and plan on getting his cookbook. I think the work he does is amazing and I hope I can help has many people as he has by creating the job I want to do!

april 27

Today in community we discussed the many different types of programs that are available to help people out with nutritional needs. It was interesting hearing about all the different types of programs. I think it is good for us to know, in order to give our clients the best possible care. I had no idea there was so many different programs out there to help people reach their nutritional needs.

I really enjoyed learning about the different school nutrition programs. I was surprised to find out that all schools do not take advantage of these programs to help their children out. The breakfast program had much less people involved than the national school lunch program. I think all school should be involved in these programs because it benefits their students. There are many advantages to students getting enough food such as better attention,less bad behavior, better attention and less people being tardy. I think more schools need to be aware of these programs that are available to them.

All these programs have many benefits for a variety of people. It was interesting to see that there was programs for all walks of life and that some of them can be used together. I think it is important for us as dietitians to know about these programs. It would be especially useful if we lived in a low income community or worked as a community dietitian. We need to know about these programs so we can educate our client about them to increase their food security. If we do not know about these programs we cannot give them the best care possible. I will keep all these handouts for future reference so i can help a client when it is helpful to them.

Our garden is going to be great. Our group worked together to figure out what we are planting. We are going to plant some edible flowers along with sweet potatoes,carrots, broccoli, and kolrabi. We are trying a variety of vegetables to see what we can grow. We know the women may not be used to eating kolrabi, but we think it would be nice for them to try one new veggie that they have never had. The other vegetable are pretty traditional.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ohio State Extension Office

Today we talked to the people at the Ohio State Extension Office in Athens. His name was Rory Lewandoski. He is a Ohio State Extension Educator in Agriculture and Natural Resources. The mission is to "engage people to strengthen their lives and communities through research-based educational programming." The funding comes from federal, state, grants,county, revenue generation and recovery. They sell items such as brochures and educational information to recieve more funds. They use pre and post surveys in order to evaluate their programs. This also allows them to monitor their programs and track their effectiveness. This helps them see how much people have learned in the program. The plans come from many different ideas. Sometimes the state or university develops them and they are brought down to the other extension offices. They are also brought about by the needs of the community. If a lot of people are asking a certain question then they will try to have a workshop or education session about it. I think this is a good way to bring about education programs, because this aids in giving people what they want to know. The extension program offers a wide variety of programs from gardening to diabetes classes. I think it is impressive that they have so many programs on many different subjects. This allows many people to advantage of the programs depending on their needs. I was also impressed by all of the nutrition programs offered by the extension office. They have a person that is in charge of the nutrition programs for such things as thrifty shopping. All the people who work at the extension office have masters degrees unless they are volunteers. This allows the employees to teach the volunteers or others to have someone speak their language when they give a workshop. I think this is a great idea. People are much more willing to learn when someone speaks their language. I think the extension office is a great program. It has so many different people who have a variety of expertise. It is very community based because they are different depending on their location. This allows them to mold themselves to the community and give the community what they really need. I thought the extension office had many great things to offer. More people just need to be aware of what they do. I do not think most people know about the extension office, unless they were in 4-H or something else related to that. The extension office is a great resource for many community members. It is also good to know that there are sometimes registered dietitians on staff. This can help with such programs as dining with diabetes and thrifty shopping. They can also help evaluate what each community needs. It would be really interesting to go to one of their classes and see how it is run and attended. I think the extension office is a great resource for the community and more people should use it and be aware of the resources. It has so many potential benefits.

Snap Presentation and gardening

Today a worker from SNAP come in to discuss the food stamp program. SNAP stands for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. His name was Nick Clossan and he was a community relations coordinator at Jobs and Family Services. Through Jobs and Family Services the SNAP program is allocated. SNAP provides families and people who have a low income receive the food they need. The families must apply to receive these food stamps and if they qualify they receive an allocated amount which depends on number of people in the family. The food stamps are now on ATM cards. The food stamp program often does not get families the nutrition they need, because they run out of money usually after 2 weeks. The number of people needing food stamps has increased from 9,500 to 734,000 in Ohio. The number of the people needing this program has increased through out the years due the economy. The people that utilize this program often have to go to food banks to help receive all the food they need. The people on this program are usually 130% below the poverty level. The people on the program must be working in order to receive the food stamps. They are only allowed to buy certain items on the food stamp program such as food and food products. They are not allowed to buy items such as: alcohol, pet food, cigarettes, vitamins, already prepared food, and medication. A single person usually receives about $105 and the maximum is $200 per person. Most people are only on the program for a few years. They must reapply by mail and fill out such items like social security, income, housing, children and child support. The funding is provided by the Federal government and state government. There is no nutritional person on staff such as an RD. They have a registered dietitian that works higher up in the process. The monitoring and evaluating is done by asking how the people feel and what could be done better. NHANE's also provides monitoring and evaluating services. Jobs and family services plans the the food stamp program. I think the food stamp program is a good start but could be improved. The food only provides families for 2 weeks. Maybe each person who receives food stamps could have a quick session with a registered dietitian or someone with knowledge to help them stretch their dollars as far as possible. This way it could more individualized for the person. They could possibly make some dietary changes this way also, if they are ready and willing to make the change. It could help some people who want it and would utilize it. At least this way they would have the option.

On Tuesday, I also went to my garden and weeded for hour and half. I found it pretty relaxing and somewhat of a workout. I didn't really know what I was doing but it was fun. I think it will be more exciting once the we start actually planting items. I did encounter some big looking wolf spiders in the garden which I was not a fan of. I also saw a few other bugs and worms that I had never seen before. Next time, when I garden I would like to be dressed more appropriately to get dirty and have the proper tools. I did get 3/4 of the garden weeded which I thought was pretty good and I felt very proud of that. I am excited to see are food grow and see what it is like to really take care of garden. I am plan on gardening this summer, so it will be a great learning experience for me. I will learn so much and hopefully we will grow some amazing food. I think for our garden we are going to use the square foot method. So each square foot will have its different plants in it and hopefully we can grow more this way and utilize our space well.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

community nutrition day 4

Today in community nutrition we discussed food insecurity. We referred back to the Erin Brockovich portion of the movie that saw. We also watched a very touching video about food insecurity in Ohio. It was very touching to see over 800 people standing in line for food. It made me realize just how bad of a problem we have with food insecurity in Ohio. It was also amazing the types of people we saw in the lines waiting for the food in the news story. Many of the people had jobs or currently were working. It was not what one person would expect to see in a person waiting in line for food. It made you realize somewhat what they were going through and how they always have to think about where their next meal is coming. It was hard to believe that it was that big of a problem here. I never realized that it was such a huge issue so close to home. It made me realize that something has to been done to fix this. People also need to be more aware of these problems in the United States. I think most people think of starving people in other countries and people not needing for here, but without looking very hard you can definitely see people that need help getting enough food for their family. Something needs to be done to help these people achieve that.

community nutrition day 3

Today in community nutrition we discussed our gardening project that we would be doing. We discussed the steps that need to be taken and what data we would review. We talked about how we have to assess the groups and their needs so we can figure out what to put in the garden. We also discussed that some items will not be able to fixed through a gardening intervention. We also discussed where to get background information to assess whatever group of people we decided on. I am excited to do the gardening project and the intervention. I think we will learn alot from the experience no matter what community we do. The project will teach us so much and involve a great deal of critical thinking! I can't wait to start working with my group and get this project started.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

organic gardening workshop

Today was the organic gardening workshop. It was a 5 hour long workshop. I really enjoyed it. There was 6 different speakers who discussed a variety of topics. I learned about how to start a garden even if you have limited space at your house or apartment. It was interesting to see what you could do with a limited about space. You can garden in containers or in raised beds, which is something i plan on doing when I graduate and attempt my first try at gardening. Sustainability versus organic gardening was also talked about during the work shop. It was interesting to see that organic food is not always sustainable food. It was also interesting to learn about what makes up a good soil and how you can make it better by adding compost. During the workshop we got to see 5 different samples and grade them on what we thought was best. I did not get it correct but it was a great way to learn about what makes up a great soil. We also learned how to create compost piles and what it helps make the soil more rich with nutrients. I think I will use this in future practice when talking with clients and discussing ways to lower food costs or just being more eco-friendly. I think this will become very handy when working with clients. I look forward to gardening in the future and putting this knowledge to use. It was a great workshop and i learned so much that I did not know during it!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

community nutrition day 1

I really enjoyed the first day of community of nutrition. It seems like there will be a good variety of unique experiences. I can't wait to learn how to garden! It has been something I have wanted to do for a while now. I am also excited to learn about all of the school nutrition information because I hope to one day get involved with changing the nutrition of schools! It will be a great experience to work with it. I am very excited about all of the events and experiences that will happen in community nutrition. It will be a great learning experience! I hope to learn all about community nutrition and how to get involved with the community. I also look forward to get some experience with a garden. I think community nutrition is about helping a certain group that is either in the same location, have the same beliefs or belong to a certain group and share things in common. I think community nutrition is all about helping a certain group, whatever that group maybe to reach their nutrition recommendations. I think it involves creating interventions to get people involved with their health but having fun at the same time!