
Sunday, May 9, 2010

tree planting

On Thursday, our group went to the south side garden to plant a fruit tree. We planted a mulberry tree over near the golf course. It was really nice planting the tree and I was surprised that it did not really take that long. We were able to plant the tree due to a grant and project that someone for their masters. We made sure to place a fencing around the mulberry tree so other animals would not eat it. It was a good experience and I am I know a good way to plant a tree in the future. It was really fun planting the trees in our group and it better than sitting and listenng to a lecture. I am looking foward to the other out door activities that will be doing in community nutrition.

I am gardening in Dayton. Last weekend, I planted lettuce, squash, peppers,basil, cilantro, flat leaf parsley, cherry tomatoes, and beefsteak tomatoes. I was not sure what I was doing but I enjoyed planting the seeds. It was really relaxing to me and it will be cool to see them grow during the summer. In Dayton, we are going to have an herb garden, vegetable garden and butterfly garden. They will be pretty small but I think it will be a good start. The lettuce has already started growing which is exciting. There is six plants and in a few weeks we will be transplanting them. Something else has also started growing but I am not sure what it is. My next trip to dayton, I plan on taking pictures of the garden, so I can see pictures of it as it grows. I am also excited about the butterfly garden. It is going to have Zinnas,dillweed and a few other flowers. It should be very colorful and hopefully many butterflys will come and enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, thanks for your tree planting efforts! It was fun watching your group work together. I am glad that you are working in Dayton on a garden. You will be an expert! Thanks for your continued contributions to class. Dr. H
